My IN.FORM Journey

As a health coach, I sincerely want to earn the trust of my clients so I take my recommendations very seriously. I have taken a great deal of time testing different products and protocols so that I can look someone in the eye and say that I have personal experience. In the course of exploring different diet therapies, in this case raw-vegan with a heavy emphasis on fruitarian, I found myself with metabolic syndrome. It was an unfortunate perfect storm as I was transitioning through menopause and already at a hormonal disadvantage. I got a personal crash course on the challenges of not only insulin but also LEPTIN resistance. All my tried and true methods were completely
ineffective; my weight gain spiraled and my health deteriorated. I went from needing exercise like I needed oxygen to “not feeling like it” to a panicked “what happened to me?”. I made attempt after attempt to regain my health but failed every time. I became obsessed with the etiology and requested an extensive and detailed lab work-up. I of course had every symptom of metabolic syndrome with the added bonus of a Factor V mutation which carries an 8-fold risk increase of VTE on top of dangerously high levels of Fibrinogen. My LDL and Apo-B were off the charts. Right about the time I got my very scary lab report, Nature’s Sunshine unveiled their new and greatly improved IN.FORM program. I went from researcher to subject in a heartbeat.

IN.FORM went from weight loss program to a program that addressed CARDIO Metabolic Syndrome. As I was actually experiencing this in real life, I wasn’t so much concerned with looking good in a pair of jeans as I was with…not unexpectedly keeling over with a blood clot to a vital region.
This was me with my parents at my high school graduation in 1985. Almost exactly to the date ten years later, my dad underwent a quadruple bypass at age 50. Another ten years later my mom had a heart attack….and I’m turning 50 this year.

In a nutshell, of all the times to be testing a protocol, this was it! So here I am sharing that journey with you. It is my hope that I will gain valuable insight that will make me a better coach as I share wellness principles with present and future clients. (January 15, 2017)