Category: Product Spotlight

Blood sugar imbalances have become the new normal in America. An estimated 1 in 3 Americans are prediabetic, and around 80% of them don’t know they are [1]. 2 out of 3 Americans are overweight or obese.

Among many factors contributing to this problem, the Standard American Diet is far from blood sugar-friendly. It may seem normal to have cereal for breakfast, hamburgers with fries for lunch, and a few slices of pizza for dinner, but it’s not good for us  

The good news is that you don’t necessarily have to give up your favorite foods or miss out on festivities. In fact, many nutritionists find that their clients will more readily add something than remove when changing health habits [2]. You will find it much easier to add quick bursts of exercises or munches of algae tablets throughout your day, especially during the holidays [3]. You’d be surprised how little you have to do to make a difference. 

This article will explain why Energy Bits  is your best blood sugar support food. First, let’s cover the root causes of why poor blood sugar control has become the new normal. 

Excess caloric intake

There are long-living and healthy populations around the world that consume a lot of carbs. So carbs aren’t necessarily evil—it’s high-carbs, high-fat, and high-calories that are the killing combo for insulin resistance and weight gain.

Perpetually excess caloric intake turns off anti-aging genes. At the same time, this turns on genes that promote cell growth and insulin resistance [4]

Here’s why most Americans are overeating:

  • Highly processed foods are engineered to make people overeat, such as with high-fructose corn syrup and high salt
  • Food portions have increased over time, leading to an obesity epidemic. 
  • Drinking calories in the form of soda or other beverages 
  • Decrease energy expenditure throughout the day as many of us need to drive to get around
  • Nutrient deficiencies leading to increased appetite

Nutrient deficiencies

Since the 1960s, the Green Revolution shifted farming to maximizing yield with plant breeding, pesticide usage, and synthetic fertilizers with only a few minerals. As a result, our soils are now more depleted in numerous key nutrients, leading to an overall lower nutrients and higher toxicity throughout the food chain . 


To make matters worse, the government subsidizes cash crops like corn and soy, making processed foods and meats fed with these crops the more affordable option. These processed foods are higher in calories and lower in nutrients. When families rely on these foods for the long-term, it can lead to nutrient deficiencies.

Being nutrient deficient contributes to weight gain, as many of these nutrients are essential to our general health. For example, vitamin D is linked with the development of type 1 diabetes as it plays a vital role in immune system development [6]. Serum vitamin D levels are also typically lower in populations with diabetes than in people without [7].

Zinc, magnesium, and vitamin D are crucial for blood sugar regulation. Additionally, vitamin K2 plays a role in glucose metabolism, cholesterol, and triglycerides, making it an essential vitamin when addressing blood sugar [8]

Interestingly, vitamin K2 can help diabetic rats by increasing the readouts from the osteocalcin gene. This leads to elevated adiponectin, an essential hormone for glucose control, and increases insulin sensitivity [9]

We still don’t know if vitamin K2 can reverse diabetes in humans, but it’s a beneficial vitamin to consume for healthy blood sugar and metabolism. A serving of Energy Bits provides 23 mcg of vitamin K1 and 3 mcg of vitamin K2. 

Sedentary lifestyle

Unfortunately, with the typical work/life balance we see today, a sedentary lifestyle is quite common. Most people will sit at a desk throughout the day, drive everywhere, and get minimal steps in when they have the time. 

A sedentary lifestyle can lead to poor blood sugar control, as physical activity can increase insulin sensitivity. It can also lead to weight gain and a decrease in glucose tolerance over time [10]

A sedentary lifestyle can directly affect metabolism, bone density, and vascular health, increasing metabolic disease risk [11]. With a decrease in muscle density, you will also see a reduction in lipoprotein lipase (LPL), an enzyme that breaks down fats in the body. Inversely, with increased physical activity, you can see an increase in LPL and a positive effect on blood sugar metabolism [12].

Poor mitochondrial health 

The mitochondria are the powerhouses of our cells. They help convert carbohydrates and fats into cellular energy as ATP. In your pancreas, the mitochondria produce the energy necessary to produce insulin. 

When our mitochondria do not function optimally, this can lead to poor glucose metabolism, poor insulin response, and poor insulin production [13]

Age-related muscle loss

Age-related muscle loss is a fairly normal phenomenon. Most people lose 3 – 5% of their muscle mass per decade after around 30, and faster after age 60 [14]. Your muscles are responsible for 90% of insulin-related blood sugar control. So, this muscle loss alone can contribute to age-related weight gain and decline in insulin response as early as in your 30s. 

This speaks to the importance of providing your body with enough nutrients and resistance training exercises to maintain your muscles.

Feed lean and blood sugar-friendly bacteria

Clinical trials find that spirulina and chlorella can improve blood sugar and insulin response partly by feeding and increasing the healthy gut flora, especially with raw spirulina like Energy Bits [15],[16]. There is even a meta-analysis of 8 studies confirming the finding [17]

Another clinical trial also found that chlorella improved the gut flora in people with dysbiosis, and thus helped with their blood sugar [18]

A clinical trial in 62 obese people for 12 weeks suggests that spirulina, even 1 gram/day, can significantly reduce appetite by 4.16% [19]

Spirulina may also protect the gut flora against a suboptimal, like a SAD, diet. In rats fed with a high-fat diet (which is unhealthy for them and their gut bacteria), the spirulina group had less fat gain and leaky gut compared to the control group [20].

Provide whole food sources of vitamins, minerals, and omega-3

Chlorella and spirulina are packed with vitamins, minerals and omega-3s. As we addressed previously, having optimal levels of vitamins and minerals is essential for healthy blood sugar. 

These vitamins and minerals are found in algae tablets:

  • Magnesium is important for over 300 biochemical reactions, several of which are important for blood sugar control.
  • Folate is a B vitamin that can improve glycemic control [21].
  • Omega-3s: Chlorella contains omega-3s, which are essential for insulin response and mitochondrial function [22],[23]
  • Vitamin K helps with blood sugar. Chlorella provides high levels of vitamin K2 per serving [24]
  • Our algae tablets also contain a large amount of antioxidants, which are also crucial for blood sugar and cardiovascular health [25],[26]

Support mitochondrial function

Spirulina and chlorella are chlorophyll-rich foods. These microalgae are also very similar to mitochondria, so they have numerous nutrients for the mitochondria. In fact, there’s a cell study that suggests that chlorophyll pigments might help the mitochondria harvest light for energy [27]

As a source of antioxidants, chlorophyll, and omega-3, algae tablets can powerfully support mitochondrial function [28]. These antioxidants help manage the oxidants that may interfere with mitochondrial function and protect your mitochondria from oxidative damage. In a cell study, a spirulina polysaccharide helped restore mitochondrial function, making it a great supplement to support your mitochondria [29].

Next to water, fiber is the most important element needed to cleanse the body. Fiber is both a sponge we need to soak up toxins and a scouring pad we need to scrub the colon free of debris. Without adequate fiber, toxins we are releasing from tissues through the action of other cleansing herbs can be reabsorbed and recycled through the system instead of being eliminated from the body. A blend of fibers is best, which may include fibers such as psyllium hulls, oat bran, apple pectin, slippery elm or flax seed. I have four that I recommend for different needs for different people: Nature’s Three, Everybody’s Fiber, Psyllium Hulls Combination and LOCLO. Let’s compare:

Nature’s Three is a blend of these fibers- psyllium hulls, apple fiber and oat bran. This makes it a good “broom” for sweeping the colon clean, but it doesn’t do much to tonify the colon or deal with the issue of leaky gut syndrome. It’s a good choice for serious colon cleansing in situations where there is ballooning in the bowel or a need to clean out bowel pockets (diverticuli).

Nature’s Three is a stronger fiber blend, containing psyllium with licorice and hibiscus for flavoring. It is a good fiber for people with ballooning and slugish bowels.

Nature’s Three is a blend containing fibers such as psyllium hulls, apple fiber, acacia gum, guar gum, flax seed and oat bran in a base of vegetable powders, broccoli, carrot, red beet, cabbage, Chinese cabbage and tomato. It also contains the herbs rosemary, turmeric and cinnamon. These vegetables and herbs provide an antioxidant efect which reduces intestinal irritation and inflammation. Grapefruit and orange bioflavinoids, hesperidin, citric acid and malic acid have a gentle tonifying action on the mucus membranes of the colon. This is a gentler fiber blend, more suitable for spastic colons and long term use.

Nature’s Three is the gentlest of the fiber blends and the one best suited for irritable bowel, inflammatory bowel disorders, spastic colons and long term use. It contains the gentle fibers of slippery elm, flax seeds, marshmallow and apple pectin. These are combined with herbs which improve digestion, reduce inflammation and tone the bowel to reduce gut “leakiness” including peppermint, fennel, chamomile, una de gato and asparagus. Most importantly, Everybody’s Fiber contains polysaccharides that act as food for friendly bacteria, which encourages a healthy intestinal flora.


As a health coach,  I teach a transformational habit of health that meets my clients where they are.  After years of not so great habits, it’s very unrealistic to think the average person is going to culture foods , have daily smoothies and drop sugar right off the bat.  Like any worthwhile endeavor, it is a process.  I come from a background in Pharmacy and firmly believe a good portion of our current health crisis is due to over-reliance on popping a pill for every ill.  I do, however, believe there is tremendous healing power in the foods we eat and the herbs that grow in our garden.  The point is, there is a good size learning curve between the decision to pursue a healing lifestyle and bringing that commitment into a daily fruition.  I, along with the new frontier of functional medicine practitioners, believe that mindful, strategic supplementation is key to a significant improvement in health. Part of that strategy is a QUALITY supplement.

  • Is the dose correct?
  • Is it the correct part of the plant?
    • Some leaves are healing yet their stem or root is poisonous.
  • Is it free of toxins?
  • Is it pure and unadulterated?
  • Was it handled properly?

Often times clients will come to me for a session and just want to know what they need to take for an ailment.  They then take that recommendation and find it for the most rock bottom price on the internet or local pharmacy outlet.  It drove me crazy because I know how questionable many products are.  I have been a Nature’s Sunshine Consultant for almost a decade now.  I have studied their manufacturing practices and they are second to none.  I believe in their products so much that I often waive or refund my consultation fee when a client commits to a 90 day trial…long enough to lay a basic foundation for a lifelong habit of health.  I’m happy to do it.  Here’s why:



In our modern world, most people rarely get the opportunity to relax and “unwind”.   As a result, they are often plagued by stress-related health problems. Chronic stress can contribute to problems like fatigue, anxiety, nervous tension, muscle pain, stiffness, and depression. Over time, it can contribute to digestive weakness, immune weakness, chronic inflammation, restless and disturbed sleep, high blood pressure, cardiovascular disease and weight gain.

Fortunately, there are ways to help reduce your stress levels while improving your overall health.  An effective means of stress reduction is now available in the form of adaptogenic herbs. “Adaptogen” is a word coined by Russian scientists to describe the effects of eleuthero root (also known as Siberian ginseng). Scientists in Russia discovered that eleuthero root improved athletic performance, enhanced energy and immune function, and even reduced the number of mistakes made by clerical and office workers. They found the plant accomplished these feats by reducing the output of stress hormones and improving the body’s ability to cope with physical and emotional stress. They even learned that eleuthero root helped prevent Soviet cosmonauts from getting space sickness due to weightlessness, a fact later shared with American astronauts.

Since the benefits of eleuthero root were discovered, other herbs around the world have also been found to possess adaptogenic effects. AdpataMax combines several of these herbs into one formula. It also contains herbs that enhance circulation, glandular function, and the immune system. AdaptaMax also has antioxidant and blood sugar regulating properties.

AdaptaMax can be taken by anyone who desires to improve physical endurance, immune function and the ability to cope with the stresses they face in life. It contains eleuthero root and twelve other adaptogenic and tonifying herbs, as follows:

Rhodiola rosea is another herb from Russia shown to possess powerful adaptogenic properties. Russian studies show that it enhances both mental and physical performance. It is an antidepressant and has a cancer-preventing effect.

Korean ginseng has long been prized in the Orient for its ability to enhance overall health, especially in the elderly. It improves digestive function and glandular activity, while increasing energy and stamina. It is warming and stimulating.

Ashawaganda, also known as Indian ginseng, is used in Ayurvedic medicine as a tonic because of its tonifying and restorative properties. It helps restore vitality to people who are suffering from overwork and nervous exhaustion. It also helps with recovery from long term stress.

Rosemary has a tradition in western herbalism as a tonic for the brain, improving cognitive function and memory. It contains powerful antioxidants that help protect the body from free radical damage.

Gynostemma pentaphyllum is an adaptogenic herb from China. It balances the energy system of the body.

Schizandra is a powerful adaptogenic herb used in Chinese medicine to balance and harmonize the organs of the body. Schizandra helps with many of the health problems brought on by chronic stress, including disturbed sleep patterns, fatigue, shortness of breath, loss of concentration, forgetfulness and irritability.

Astragalus is considered a general tonic in Chinese medicine and is often used in place of Korean ginseng in formulas. Modern research shows that it enhances immune function, increases endurance, lowers blood pressure, and balances body fluids.

Reishi mushroom enhances the immune system, aid liver and cardiac function, and reduce allergic responses.

Suma has been called Brazilian ginseng. It is an adaptogenic herb that regulates blood sugar, enhances energy, and aids the immune system. It also has anticancer properties.

Ginkgo has been researched extensively in Europe as a circulatory aid and an anti-aging herb. It enhances cognitive function and circulation to the brain. It also aids general and peripheral circulation.

Alfalfa is a nutritive herb and a rich source of trace minerals. It is used as a general tonic. It aids pituitary gland function.

Kelp is a seaweed that is rich in iodine and trace minerals. It is known for its ability to feed the thyroid gland.

A final ingredient in AdaptaMax is the mineral chromium, which is very important for balancing blood sugar levels and for preventing cardiovascular disease.

If you are having issues with sleep and/or ongoing stress, You may find this adaptogenic complex gives your body what it needs to find its way back to normal.  As always, if you have any questions, fill out a contact form and get the conversation started.



I often see advertisements for cleanse or detox programs. Our modern lifestyle choices combined with a cumulatively toxic environment (Fukishima) and compromised food supply (Glyphosate) make this practice a necessity. However, as with most topics of natural medicine, the internet is filled with quick fix ideas on how to cleanse that can be ineffective or even dangerous. Here are just a few things that you should consider before starting a cleansing/detox protocol.

Before you cleanse you need to remember to clean out the elimination pathways.

So if you are considering a liver or gallbladder cleanse you need to ensure that the large and small intestines are working optimally and capable of moving out whatever toxins the liver and/or gallbladder release. In many cases the best way to ensure they are working is to start with cleansing the large and small intestines. You can do both with Tiao He liver cleanse. This is my go-to recommendation as the liver is the largest detox organ in the body, and the bowel is cleansed at the same time.

There is no set order or frequency guideline, but there are a few principles that might help you in deciding when and how often to cleanse. The body naturally undergoes a cleansing process with the change of the climate so many people find value in doing a mild cleanse at the change of every season. This is just a suggestion for scheduling moving forward. If you have not cleansed in the past then now just might be the right time.

“Can you combine cleanses?” is a common question. There is no short answer to this question. The principle is only cleanse the part that the body is ready to cleanse. As a general rule, I do recommend that you do most cleanses individually and allow adequate time in-between each for the body to get re-balanced and nourished. Understand that even though it is for a beneficial reason, cleanses can be very taxing on the system.

Along with evaluating the need for a small and large intestine cleanse before doing any others I suggest that you check to see if a candida cleanse is needed. If you have a pervasive candida outbreak then you may want to start there. It is perhaps the only cleanse that can in some cases even be done before the colon. Since a candida infection can potentially cause absorption issues for those that have a problem it is often the place to start.

Once Candida is addressed, if it was an issue and the liver and small and large intestine are clear and ready for duty, we can now look to other detox issues.


We don’t often think of Fukishima, or even Chernobyl for that matter, because radiation is invisible and isn’t immediately lethal. That doesn’t mean the effects aren’t still quite present in our environment. The effects of these disasters have and will continue to reach all around the world as is evidenced by many studies. Most problematic is a radioisotope of iodine, also called i-131 or Iodine-131. It is a by-product of the nuclear fission of energy production and accounts for the major health risk associated with the nuclear disasters of Chernobyl and the Fukushima nuclear reactor melt downs. The result of i-131 in the body has the acute reaction of stopping or restricting endocrine function. This results in a collection of symptoms that include higher than normal levels of: irritability, mental fog, anxiety, depression, appetite change, body temperature variation. Fatigue is strongly present along with a general lack of interest in things that would normally bring joy such as hobbies, family, sex and time with friends. I am aware that this symptom profile is common for many people. This is a result of the commonality of adrenal and thyroid dysfunction. Exposure to i-131 will greatly amplify this already chronic problem. While there are many reasons for such symptoms; however, this environmental toxin greatly amplifies the breakdown of an already nutritionally depleted system. There are three nutrients that are VERY important in supporting the body in it’s fight to eliminate this particle from the system:

Iodine in both topical and internal forms is a very critical piece in this detox process. This flooding of the system helps push the i-131 into the lymph pathways making it freely available to be bound and removed from the body. I use NSP’s kelp products because they are the only company that I have ever found that test their kelp for all 6 actives and test down to 1 part per trillion for pollutants. It is VERY common to have store bought kelp full of ocean pollutants up to and including i-131. Of course I don’t need to explain how foolish it would be to further pollute our systems by using a cheap dirty kelp product and when NSP’s is very reasonably priced why would you risk it?
Dulse Liquid
Kelp capsules
I would also suggest ionic mineral tonic with fulvic acid. This rich mineral complex also works to push i-131 in preparation for removal.
Master Gland capsules offers endocrine support and are also recommended.

Hydrated bentonite has the ability to hold 7 times it’s own weight in toxins and is uniquely suited for binding with i-131. I recommend that adults take approximately 1-2 tsp twice daily with water and with a few shavings of fresh lemon peel grated and mixed in. I don’t know of another company aside from Nature’s Sunshine that has a Hydrated Bentonite that I trust.
Hydrated Bentonite

Chlorophyll. The ph balance of our body tissues plays a very big role in the ability of our system to bind with and remove i-131 so I strongly recommend a higher than normal amount of Chlorophyll. I recommend several glasses of water with 1 tsp Chlorophyll ES daily. Natures Sunshine’s Chlorophyll ES is flavored with mint and very palatable even for kids.
Chlorophyll ES

There is much more to discuss on the topic of detox. I will address those in another post. Please note, this post is a reference for my clients. If you have questions about cleansing , please get in touch. I rarely charge for consultations with compliance to recommended protocols, so please don’t let cost be an obstacle.